About ASIS

ASIS International Hawaii Chapter 134

Founded in 1955, ASIS International is a global community of security practitioners, each of whom has a role in the protection of assets.

The ASIS International Hawaii Chapter 134 was organized to continue their mission and provide local members the opportunity to connect at multiple levels in an effort to create a robust, collaborative security community here in the islands. Our members come from every sector, public and private, and every size of organization and represent professionals at every stage of their career.

Executive Committee

Jerry Pahukula Jr

Jerry Pahukula, Jr., CPP, PSP – Chairperson

Jerry Pahukula, Jr., has been a private security practitioner in the contract and proprietary security arenas for the past 33 years. He also served 21 years in the Hawaii Army National Guard as an Artillery officer, retiring in 2003. Jerry joined ASIS in 1999, obtained his Certified Protection Professional in 2005 and the Physical Security Professional certification in 2016. He is also a member of the Association of Certified Examiners where he received the Certified Fraud Examiner certification in 2005. Jerry is currently employed by First Hawaiian Bank (FHB) as the Vice President & Security Manager. While employed with FHB, Jerry obtained the Certified Financial Services Security Professional designation in 2012. Jerry enjoys the comradery with other chapter members and considers them friends and is looking forward to future opportunities in 2022.

Ed Howard, CHPP – Vice Chairperson

Ed has over 38 years in law enforcement and private security management and spent 22 years investigating and supervising criminal narcotics cases. After 26 years in law enforcement, Ed retired and began a highly successful second career in healthcare security and safety management. He served as Security and Safety Director for Adventist Health in Hawaii and was later promoted to Vice President, Corporate Security Director and managed the healthcare system’s security program consisting of 23 hospitals in four US western states. Ed is now the Owner/President & CEO of Pax Bello Security Solutions Hawaii, a professional security consulting and training firm that provides a variety of services that include firearms training and qualification, workplace environmental safety analysis, risk assessments, security systems design and planning, program reviews, threat mitigation, workplace violence, outsourcing management, and litigation support. Ed is a graduate of Hawaii Pacific University with a bachelor’s degree in Justice Administration.

Steven Pang, CSHP – Treasurer

Steve has over 30 years of experience in security, safety, and risk management and began his career at Kuakini Medical Center in 1988. He served as Security and Safety Director and later went on to become a Risk Management Consultant and Assistant Vice President with Atlas Insurance Agency. Steve has since joined Business Insurance Services in the same capacity and his primary role and responsibilities include risk management program development, training, and assessments. Concurrent to his role, Steve joined Ed Howard at Pax Bello Security Solutions Hawaii in 2022, serving as a consultant and providing security detail. He has been a member of ASIS International since 2002 and is a Certified Safety & Health Professional (CSHP) with the State of Hawaii, Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety and Health Division. Steve is a graduate from the University of Hawaii.

Robert Cravalho

Robert Cravalho, PCI – Secretary

Robert Cravalho served over 30 years with the Honolulu Police Department and retired as a lieutenant in 2012. He is currently the managing agent of Hawaiian Island Investigations, a private investigation and security firm licensed and bonded in the state of Hawaii. Robert has a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. He learned quickly that law enforcement and security, although similar, are two different fields and immediately joined ASIS in 2013 to improve his understanding. Robert earned is Professional Certified Investigator designation in 2021 and has learned a great deal from his association with ASIS International. Robert enjoys serving on the Hawaii Chapter Executive Committee and helping members. He believes there is no success without successors and challenges all members to step up and take on a volunteer leadership role to ensure the achievement of the ASIS International.

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